Monday, October 19, 2009

Is 'love-jihad' the new terror mantra?

I am increasingly excited to know more about this ‘love-jihad’- after a few reports emanating from the coastal belt of Kerala and Karnataka. Whether this is grounded on evidence or not, some HC (Hindu-Christian) groups, looks like the fundamentalist groups from either community, have joined hands to oppose it. In fact there is one report that even calls it the new mantra of terror! Now, it remains to be seen whether this is yet another attempt by the HC fundamentalists to further demonize the Muslim community or a genuine attempt to arrest a very dangerous trend.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Karnataka Ministers get ‘Modi lessons’?

Karnataka has been an exception in many ways. One is immediately reminded of the Loksabha election results that were quite different from the national trends. There is also this feeling that the BJP is growing ‘steady and strong’ in Karnataka though the party is in great disarray at the national level. Add to this list the latest ‘Modi lessons’ for the ministers, even amidst the large-scale opposition. That this government considers it appropriate to get lessons from a man who is accused of ‘riots and encounter deaths’ (and to have those lessons in a religious mutt!) itself speaks loudly of what this government is serious about. Anyways, as we have been told that these were ‘development lessons' one hopes that Modi’s lessons, which took place just a couple of days before the Gandhi Jayanthi celebrations, would make this state more peaceful and non-violent.